Adarsh Karan

I am Adarsh Karan K P

MSc Robotics Student at The University of Manchester
Building the future, one Robot at a time

CV Linkedin Github
Proficient in both technical and creative domains

Video Presentations

Building an Auton​omous Retrieval Robot


Sept 2023 - May 2024

My team and I built an autonomous mobile robot using the Leo Rover kit to retrieve objects in unknown environments.

Spearheaded ROS2 Navigation & Exploration: Implemented the ROS2 navigation stack (Nav2) for path planning and the Frontier Based Exploration algorithm for efficient exploration in unknown environments. Additionally, I leveraged the ROS2 SLAM toolbox for real-time mapping and localization. ​The project began with simulations in Gazebo with RViz visualization. We've taken a significant leap forward by successfully integrating these functionalities onto the real Leo Rover, enabling it to navigate autonomously in real-world environments.

Visit our GitHub to learn more!

Teleoperated Extraterrestrial Rover


Feb 2024

Our 3-person team conceptualized, built, and programmed a remotely-controlled Teleoperated Extraterrestrial Rover in 24 hours. Demonstrating versatility, our teleoperated  robot navigated diverse terrains (sand, ramps, bridges) at the HackABot2024 Challenge(University of Manchester)

Vision for Remote Control: Contributed to integrating the camera and programming controls, enabling the robot to leverage live camera data for a seamless remote-control experience. 

Collaborative Design: Actively collaborated on the overall robot design, ensuring its functionality and ability to navigate diverse terrains.

Pricol Limited, India

Electronics Engineering Intern(Feb 2023 - May 2023)

My 3-month internship at Pricol Limited, Coimbatore provided valuable experience in the design, programming, optimization, and testing of automotive products like electric coolant pumps, fuel injection systems, and cabin tilt systems. This experience honed my skills in system design, embedded systems programming, testing and optimization, all transferable to Robotics development. I gained a deep understanding of the complete product development cycle, from design to production, including testing and diagnostics. This experience has solidified my foundation for contributing to the rigorous processes involved in bringing Robots to life.