Adarsh Karan

I hail from the city of Coimbatore, often referred to as the 'Manchester of South India.’ I've since found my way to the vibrant city of Manchester, UK. ​My academic foundation lies in a 4-year Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) degree. This naturally led me down the fascinating path of Robotics, a field where creativity meets engineering prowess. 

I'm a self-motivated individual, brimming with enthusiasm and a thirst for knowledge. My confidence stems from a deep desire to make a positive impact through my work. This aligns perfectly with the philosophy of,

"Live a Life Worth Telling"

For me, this translates into a relentless pursuit of self-improvement by expanding my skillset in Robotics to develop Robots that solve real-world problems and make a positive impact.

Driven by a passion for developing intelligent and adaptable robots that seamlessly interact with the real world, I leverage my expertise in ROS, control theory, and hardware integration. My focus lies in the exciting fields of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs), particularly in navigating complex environments using SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) techniques. This fascination extends to exploration tasks, where robots can autonomously map and interact with unknown surroundings.

Languages Spoken






The University of Manchester

Manchester, United Kingdom

MSc Robotics
Grade: Distinction- 71.6%* (as of Semester 1)

September 2023 - Present

Key Modules:
  • Software for Robotics
  • Robotic Systems
  • Foundations of Machine Learning
  • Robotic Manipulators
  • Autonomous Mobile Robots
  • Cognitive Robotics & Computer Vision
PSG College of Technology

Coimbatore, India

Bachelor of Engineering- Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)
CGPA: 9.07

July 2019 - July 2023

Key Modules:
  • Embedded Systems and IoT
  • Wireless Communication
  • Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis
  • Computer Networks
  • Problem Solving and C Programming
  • Python Programming Laboratory
  • Data Structures and Algorithms